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– 19.08.2021.

The Benefits of Private Label Rights (PLR) Content and How to Use It Effectively

Content is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy. It enables you to boost your SEO and rank high in the search results. It both attracts new users and nurtures people who are already familiar with your brand. Plus, without content, it’s almost impossible to position yourself as an expert in your field. The problem,…

Laura Holton


The Benefits of Private Label Rights (PLR) Content and How to Use It Effectively

Content is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy. It enables you to boost your SEO and rank high in the search results. It both attracts new users and nurtures people who are already familiar with your brand.

Plus, without content, it’s almost impossible to position yourself as an expert in your field. The problem, though, is that creating content takes time — which is something business owners rarely have.

The solution may be to use private label rights (PLR) content.

What Is PLR Content?

PLR content is completely different from using a ghostwriter or outsourcing content creation for your brand.

Instead, you purchase ready-made articles along with the right to do whatever you want with the content. There are several benefits to this.

It’s Affordable

It’s much cheaper to purchase PLR content than pay for a content creator to make something from scratch.

You’ll see the highest returns of all if you use the content to convert leads or transform the texts into paid courses to sell to your clients.

Quickly Populate Your Website with Content

If you’re just launching a website, you may only have a few pages of content. With PLR articles, you can quickly add more pages and even create a blog, some premium content, and an email newsletter.

All of these things will make your website appear more professional and help you capture more leads.

Stick to Your Publishing Schedule

You’ll see the best results from your blog if you stick to a regular publishing schedule. However, it can be difficult to churn out even three or four blog posts a week.

When you use PLR content, you can create blog posts in a fraction of the time.

You’ll Never Be Stuck for Ideas

After a few months of publishing blog posts, you may feel like you’ve exhausted all the possibilities for content. Worse, it’s often when you know that you need to come up with new ideas as soon as possible that your mind goes completely blank.

You can remove brainstorming and research from your to-do list entirely when you use PLR content.

Overcoming the Main Disadvantage of PLR Content

The downside to PLR content is that other business owners can also purchase the very same article. This means users may start to see the same piece of content all over the internet, which does nothing to help your brand image.

Plus, your website could be flagged for plagiarism, which will hurt your SEO. To overcome these limitations, there are a few things you need to do.

1. Rewrite the Content into Blog Posts

Never just purchase a piece of PLR content and publish it. You need to see the article as a template. The simplest way to achieve this is by rewriting the content into a fresh blog post.

Leave nothing unchanged — that goes for the title, the subheadings, and every individual sentence.

You can use the same points the original content covers, but switch up the order and how you present the information. Do whatever it takes to make your content unique.

Once you’ve finished, run the blog post through a plagiarism checker like Copyscape. You want it to come up with zero matches. If it does have any matches, reword those sentences.

2. Expand the Text into an Ebook

Another option is to extend a text into an ebook. This is a great option for a lead magnet, such as adding users to your email newsletter mailing list.

Find ways to elaborate on the author’s original ideas, perhaps by adding your own insights. Also, add some images to illustrate concepts and make the book more visually pleasing.

If you’re struggling to turn a single piece of PLR content into enough content for an entire ebook, combine several articles on similar topics.

Many PLR texts are only around 400 words long, which is rarely enough to engage your audience, but creating a much longer ebook gives readers something of value.

Plus, this gives you the chance to compile a unique set of information that users will be unable to find elsewhere.

3. Infuse Content with Your Keywords

Any content that will contribute to your SEO needs to contain your own keywords. You’ll need to perform keyword research in the reverse order to how you do for other content.

Instead of researching terms and then deciding how to fit content around them, you’ll need to find inspiration from the content and research competitive terms that are relevant to your brand.

However, just like with any other content, you should think of ways to naturally include the keywords when you’re rewriting the PLR content rather than adding keywords at the end.

4. Give the Content Your Brand Voice

Just as important for making content truly your own is to ensure it speaks to your audience and reflects who you are.

You should have already defined your brand voice — although that may still be on your to-do list if you’re just launching your business and the PLR articles will form your very first content.

You should also consider which buyer persona you are targeting with each piece of content you create.

5. Transform the Content into Another Format

Although you’re purchasing a piece of text, you can turn the content into any format you like, from a podcast or video to an email newsletter or infographic.

Don’t feel intimidated about creating a video: inputting a script into explainer video software can yield some great results. This is extra easy when you have PLR content, as it can form the basis for your script or give you some key facts to include.

Often, one of the most time-consuming (and frustrating) aspects of creating content is searching for facts and figures to back up your arguments.

6. Search for Quality Content

There’s much less work for you if the PLR content you purchase is high quality.

Uninspired articles may turn out to be a complete waste of your money, especially if they’re written by non-native speakers — in which case you may struggle just to understand what the text means.

You can determine if the content you are about to buy is likely high quality by considering a few factors:

  • Author — Some authors are renowned for their PLR content. It’s a bad sign if an article doesn’t even mention an author.
  • Price — A package of articles at a discount price is never going to be high quality. The same goes for free PLR content offered as a lead magnet from a marketing company.
  • Platform — Look for reviews from other customers about the platform selling the PLR content.

7. Find New PLR Content

There are two advantages to looking for new content. Firstly, the content will be up to date, which means it will relate to issues people are facing today and it should include statistics that are no more than a few years old.

Secondly, there’s a lower chance that many business owners (including your competitors) have already purchased the content, meaning the information hasn’t been rehashed a dozen times already and you’ll be able to provide your audience with new insights.

8. Read the License Terms

Before you buy any content, read the license terms to ensure you’ll be allowed to use the content in the way you wish. There are usually very few restrictions beyond reselling the PLR content to someone else, but it’s still important to check.

In addition, the license terms will tell you how many people in total can purchase the content. If there is no limit, there’s a risk that numerous other customers will buy the same article.

9. Look for Content in Your Niche

It’s best to find PLR content created for your specific industry, as opposed to generic articles. Just be sure to check if any of your direct competitors have already used the content, as this will mean you need to work harder to make yours different from the original.

Even using PLR content won’t eliminate the time you’ll need to spend on your content strategy. You’ll still need to search for quality content to purchase and rework each piece you buy for your brand.

A solution is to contract a virtual assistant to do this for you. In addition, you’ll be able to delegate all your other time-consuming tasks to your virtual assistant. MYVA360 can match you with the right virtual assistant for your needs. Schedule a consultation to receive a 10-percent discount on our services.

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