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– 27.05.2024.

Virtual Assistants: Their role in Dropshipping

Firstly, we should start with what dropshipping is. Dropshipping is an eCommerce business approach and model that allows you to sell products online without owning or managing the actual premises where the products are stored or ever even touching them.  This of course is a short version and there is a lot more to it.…

Mia Milic


Blog design virtual assistants their role in dropshipping 01

Firstly, we should start with what dropshipping is. Dropshipping is an eCommerce business approach and model that allows you to sell products online without owning or managing the actual premises where the products are stored or ever even touching them. 

This of course is a short version and there is a lot more to it. If you want, I would recommend going on our website where you can find on our blog a post I wrote about Dropshipping in detail titled “The Dropshipping Phenomenon: Is it truly a fast and easy way to earn money?” Why I would recommend this is, if you read this first, this blog will probably make more sense to you if you aren’t already familiar with the term. 

Table of Contents: 

  1. Who are Virtual Assistants (VA’s)
  2. Benefits of employing a VA
  3. Their purpose in dropshipping
  4. How to hire a Virtual Assistant 
  5. Conclusion 

Who are Virtual Assistants (VA’s)

A virtual assistant is an independent contractor who is an expert in providing administrative services to clientele from a faraway location, typically something like a home office. They serve as your second-in-command person, completing activities that free up your time and let you concentrate on what is genuinely important to you or your company’s success. 

This includes a wide range of responsibilities like organizing meetings, creating content, appointments, bookkeeping, making phone calls, managing your schedule, technical and customer support, booking flights, and handling email and social media accounts etc. As you probably realized by now there is an endless range of tasks that a Virtual Assistant can provide and that is exactly why they are so important for your business.

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Benefits of employing a VA

We just listed a whole lot of benefits, but let’s do a deep dive for some of them. 

They are an incredible time saver! Virtual assistants sometimes do analytical or routine and monotonous activities, such as writing evaluations or making regularly scheduled spending summaries. While these duties are vital for business tracking and customer satisfaction, they sometimes don’t need your personal involvement. It would be better to assign them to an assistant because they may detract from more essential matters, such as meeting with clients and whatever else you have important on your schedule. 

Not only that, but here is a tip, you might want to consider employing a virtual assistant from a different time zone. Many other business owners implement this approach to extend their company’s operating hours past the standard eight-hour period in their time zone. In that way you will get additional coverage for communication with customers and providing good customer service must be a priority for any brand. Not only does this practice help you build lasting relationships with your customers, but it also results in increased profits.  

One more benefit is that hiring a VA will help you reduce costs for your company! A virtual assistant can provide affordable however necessary assistance for your business, enabling you to cut expenses. One more good thing is that it is usually possible to hire a virtual assistant only when you need them, so there is no need for employing them to work for you full or even part time. They will adjust their services to meet the specific needs of the organization. 

Their purpose in Dropshipping

So, we covered the ground on what dropshipping is and what Virtual Assistants do. Let’s combine the two and figure out what role they play in the world of this e-commerce business strategy. VA’s offer a range of management and operational assistance to help dropshippers maintain and expand their e-commerce enterprises, they are very skilled in this area and know how it works. 

Virtual assistants can help you expand your business. Also, when your business grows, you can easily hire more virtual assistants to take on additional duties. VA’s have the ability to efficiently handle several retail locations as well as collaborate with many different kinds of suppliers. Dropshipping virtual assistants frequently use e-commerce platforms, order processing systems, management of inventory devices, and info analytics systems to improve their business processes. If your Virtual Assistant isn’t that deeply informed or experienced in Dropshipping and the whole process of it, they can always go on on additional trainings or guidance but that would take a lot of time, so maybe it is better to hire someone you up front know has knowledge in Dropshipping business. 

How to hire a Virtual Assistant

After reading this blog, you must be thinking “Yes, I really do need a virtual assistant!” Let’s go through some steps you need to know before you hire a virtual assistant. 

  1. Make sure they are the right fit for your business. VAs are purposefully hired for their competence in different fields. They aren’t just job seekers doing ordinary duties. Most of them have years of experience and they are experts at their jobs. So if you need them to do a specific task, in this case dropshipping, check if that is their domain. 
  2. Communicate. Communication is vital for organization if you lead any business. Think about using platforms such as emails but preferably slack, because it is much easier and faster. 
  3. Specify your requirements in advance. When hiring somebody who works remotely, you should provide precise directions along with training to ensure an effective working collaboration. Make sure you know precisely the duties and obligations that you want them to take on.  It will boost efficiency and streamline procedures.


In the end, virtual assistants (VAs) are highly valuable assets in the dropshipping industry, providing an extensive range of administrative duties, operating, and organizational support. Their knowledge and adaptability allows dropshippers to optimize operations, develop their businesses, and improve customer service. 

Businesses can improve efficiency, cut costs, and ultimately prosper in the competitive online marketplace by exploiting VAs’ expertise and adaptability to the dynamic demands of e-commerce. 

Hiring a suitable VA, engaging smoothly, and concisely describing their responsibilities and demands are all critical stages toward maximizing the potential of virtual assist for dropshipping success.

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