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– 21.02.2022.

Grow Your YouTube Channel With a Virtual Assistant

Question: Why would your business need a YouTube virtual assistant? Well, according to search statistics, YouTube is the second-largest search engine on the internet today (just after Google), with more than 2 billion users every month. In fact, it’s so popular that it has more users than Yahoo, Microsoft Bing,, and AOL combined! Now,…

Jennifer Brown

South Africa

youtube virtual assistants 1

Question: Why would your business need a YouTube virtual assistant?

Well, according to search statistics, YouTube is the second-largest search engine on the internet today (just after Google), with more than 2 billion users every month. In fact, it’s so popular that it has more users than Yahoo, Microsoft Bing,, and AOL combined!

Now, if you’re in business, what does that tell you? Pretty obviously, if your business doesn’t have a YouTube channel, you’re missing out on an enormous marketing resource – and a free one at that. Secondly, even if you do have a YouTube channel, along with a group of loyal YouTube fans, you should probably be devoting even more time and attention to making it a star feature in your marketing program.

Why Video Matters to Your Business Bottom Line

Video is probably the most underrated – and underutilized – marketing and sales tool out there. Want proof? Statistics show that social video gets a staggering 1,200% greater engagement online than text does.

People respond to images far more quickly and viscerally than they do to words – and video is king when it comes to keeping a prospective customer glued to what you’re offering. Using video as a marketing tool is as close as you’ll get to an in-person conversation with your audience. And no matter what type of business you’re in, there’s a YouTube virtual assistant suited to your specific audience and needs.

The Versatility Of Video

Video marketing is incredibly versatile. Take a moment to consider just some of the ways you can use the medium to get your message across:

  • A basic promotional video highlighting your brand or a specific product, in as much detail as you like.
  • Embed a short, punchy commercial (or series) on your website or use them as part of a social media marketing campaign.
  • Testimonial videos from clients.
  • An animated explainer video.
  • A live product review or unboxing.
  • Footage from a webinar or live event.
  • An interview series.
  • News updates and expert commentary specific to your industry or business niche.

These are just some common examples – and in the hands of a capable YouTube virtual assistant, there’s almost no limit to the creative possibilities of video marketing. Keep in mind that this requires experience and expertise, so hiring a Fiverr virtual assistant may not be the answer here.

The Human Element is the Secret to YouTube Success

Human communication is a complex thing. By personalizing your message, its more likely to be accepted and liked by your audience. Communication experts tell us that when we speak to each other, we interpret what’s being said in some pretty interesting ways.

Our brains focus on 3 things when we’re listening to someone: the content (what’s being said), the intonation (how it’s being said), and the body language (the nonverbal communication).

Here’s the interesting part, though. The content , or what’s being said, is the least important!

Here’s how much each aspect influences the believability and trustworthiness of what we say:

  • Content: 7%
  • Intonation: 23%
  • Body language: 70%

If you consider this fact, something really important becomes obvious. Body language is incredibly important when it comes to trustworthy communication. Videos featuring human beings are far more relatable than those without – and those featuring human faces get more engagement. Why? Because our brains are programmed to look at faces.

Put a ‘face’ to your brand. It instantly makes it more appealing, more likely to be trusted, and creates a strong connection with your audience. This will benefit your bottom line.


What a YouTube Virtual Assistant Can Do For You

Running a well-managed and well-curated YouTube channel requires skill, knowledge of the medium, and probably more time than you have available – even if you’re one of the many YouTube fans who adopt a DIY approach. For the best results, you’re better off hiring someone who can provide professional help in the YouTube department.

Here are just some of the key aspects a good YouTube virtual assistant can help you with:

  • Creating closed captions for your videos. Remember that many people scan videos with the sound off before they actively watch.
  • Doing keyword research to optimize your visibility. YouTube’s search algorithms are incredibly selective, and relevant keywords and search result triggers can mean the difference between invisibility and virality.
  • Staying on top of global trending topics. You can use trending search terms and topics to attract more views.
  • Creating downloadable content for a landing page on your website. Offer downloadable giveaways on YouTube, and wherever your videos are embedded. It’s a terrific way to drive traffic to your website!
  • Maintaining links from your videos to your social media channels and website. This is critically important and needs to be done for every video. Remember, the primary purpose of video marketing is to get customers to buy from you.

Optimize & Engage

  • Creating thumbnails, end screens and cards for your YouTube videos. Having cards and prompt screens that link viewers to more of your content is a way of improving your visibility and relevance to the YouTube search engine.
  • Responding to viewer comments. Engagement means conversation. And having someone who’s able to answer questions, moderate comments, and curate your audience experience is absolutely essential. It requires good conversational skill and industry experience. You could do it yourself, every day, or you could hire a YouTube virtual assistant to relieve you of the burden.
  • Optimizing your YouTube presence for Google – so someone who does a general web search will also see your video come up in the results.
  • Creating a video content calendar. Plan content ahead of time. This way you can create themes, plan ahead for peak sales times, and synchronize your content with holidays and events.
  • Scheduling and monitoring your video uploads. A skilled YouTube virtual assistant will keep an eye on your content and upload it on time. You VA will also check for technical issues, and act as a channel supervisor for your brand.

A good creative virtual assistant will have a handle on the graphics and processes to do this for you – and will do it exceptionally.

Lights. Camera. Record Sales.

Ready to level up your presence on YouTube?

Book a discovery call with us today, take advantage of our free trial offer – and find out just how valuable a YouTube virtual assistant can be to your business.

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Talk to one of our team members about the tasks consuming your time, and your goals. Going forward, your virtual assistant can work with minimum input from you.

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