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– 28.02.2022.

A WordPress Virtual Assistant Will Help Boost Your Business

.You need a WordPress virtual assistant to help make your WordPress-based business website, better. Here’s why: As an entrepreneur, you know that running a business can be tough. It’s even tougher when you’re trying to do it all by yourself, no matter how resilient you are. In a business landscape, marketing and sales are supremely…

Jennifer Brown

South Africa

A WordPress Virtual Assistant Will Help Boost Your Business

.You need a WordPress virtual assistant to help make your WordPress-based business website, better.

Here’s why:

As an entrepreneur, you know that running a business can be tough. It’s even tougher when you’re trying to do it all by yourself, no matter how resilient you are.

In a business landscape, marketing and sales are supremely important. And one of the most neglected business tools is a well set up and well-managed business website.

Why is that important? Simply because not everyone sees your marketing content or gets to hear your sales pitch. But virtually everyone goes online to find what they’re looking for. In fact, 97% of internet users search online to find a local business.

And if they don’t find it on the first page of search results, it might as well not even exist. In light of that, your business needs to rank well in search results. And then your website has to be attractive and user-friendly enough that it actually brings you queries and customers.

And, unless you’re in software, you probably don’t have enough time to maintain your own website properly.

What Does a WordPress Virtual Assistant Do?

A WordPress virtual assistant is a skilled professional, somebody equipped to help you with the day-to-day tasks related to your WordPress website. These tasks very often include things like:

Keeping Your Content Fresh and Relevant

Internet search engines are constantly becoming more efficient and sophisticated. One of the markers of high-ranking websites is the frequency with which content is refreshed, and search engines will notice things like:

  • New pages being added to a website, or existing pages being updated.
  • Information being updated to reflect new trends, latest search terms, and relevance to the topic or type of business your customers are searching for.
  • Frequency of interaction – things like regular blog posts being added, or customer comments on blogs and articles.

As a very basic starting point to improve your business’s search visibility, these activities should be taking place on your website on a regular basis.

Managing Comments and Communication

If your website features a blog, you’ll want to invite customer comments, initiate conversations that lead to sales, and encourage communication. To do that, you need someone to monitor and moderate comments, and to be able to reach out to customers who want information.

Optimizing Your Website for Better SEO

A WordPress virtual assistant will do more than just daily maintenance, though: it’s what’s under the hood that really counts. And here, unless you enjoy the technical stuff, you’ll want someone with a good understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) to move your website into the big leagues.

SEO is a vast subject, and these are just some of the tasks that a virtual assistant WordPress specialist will perform for you:

  • Creating custom themes that will set your web design apart from the crowd – because people do actually judge a book (or website!) by its cover. It takes only 50 milliseconds – the blink of an eye – for visitors to stay or click away, and a professional and beautiful website can mean the difference between lost sales and record profits.
  • Making sure all the little details are handled – like inserting hidden text (or alt text) for images, and ensuring that the right keywords are present to draw organic search engine traffic to your site.
  • Ensuring that your navigation is seamless, with no broken links, and fast page loading for better SEO ranking.

Blogging and Articles

Any business website without a blog is missing out on a massively powerful medium of communication with customers, as well as search engine ranking. Every business website should feature a blog, without exception.

Your WordPress virtual assistant will be able to set up a blog for you if you don’t have one, and then help you find a skilled copywriter to produce meaningful content for your blog.

Interface With Social Media

Design your website so that you encourage visitors to visit your social media channels.

Why? For a number of reasons:

  • It engages them on platforms where they visit daily and are likely to see your business featured frequently.
  • It encourages sharing of your marketing material on social media and builds a relationship of familiarity.
  • It’s a convenient way to get notifications of sales, special offers, or events right in front of potential customers.
  • As newcomers see you on social media, they may click through to your website to find out more, increasing your web traffic – and online visibility.
  • Building up a social media following provides you with a great way to see who your potential customers are, where they are, and what they want most.

A WordPress Virtual Assistant for Link Building

Your WordPress virtual assistant will also work on building links with other high-value websites. Having a related website link back to yours is a powerful tool for increasing your SEO ranking (and number of visits by potential customers!) And so intelligent link building should be a continuous process. Having someone skilled in this department can pay enormous dividends and bring you lots more business.

Media Integration

A great website is far more than just a couple pages with good copywriting: it’s a visual feast, and the vast majority of online customers prefer visiting websites that feature crisp graphics, explainer videos, interactive media, and which offer useful features like downloadable ‘how-to’ guides or other resources.

An experienced WordPress virtual assistant will know which forms of media will complement your business and resonate best with your audience – and will be able to put it together for you.

A WordPress Virtual Assistant for Ecommerce

Your business may have an online store or offer the customer the option of making payments online. And with the input of a skilled virtual assistant, WordPress can be a great platform for making sales. Because everything from product management to keeping track of sales analytics, is in good hands.

The Benefits of Working With a WordPress Virtual Assistant

  • Time saved. The most obvious benefit here is time. Because website maintenance isn’t something you want to spend your valuable time on.
  • Expert assistance. A good WordPress virtual assistant will have the insight, as well as the experience to give you solid advice and practical results.
  • Cost-effective engagement. You’re not paying for a full time employee. Instead, you’re paying for a specific set of skills and definable steps that will benefit your business enormously. And best of all, you can decide exactly how much time is necessary and affordable for your business.

Set Up, Change, or Upgrade Your Website

There are several ways a dedicated WordPress virtual assistant can boost your online presence and your brand visibility:

  • Don’t have a website yet, but you’d like one? A WordPress VA will be able to put everything together for you – efficiently and professionally.
  • Already have a website, but you’d like to switch? WordPress is the world’s largest website platform, and accounts for 25% of all internet traffic. And so, a skilled WordPress virtual assistant can help you make the transition.
  • Already on WordPress, but you’d like to level up? A little bit (or a lot) of knowledge in the right hands can instantly increase your visibility. And raise your brand’s image, and accelerate your business growth.

With more than a billion more people  projected to come online within the next 5 years, there’s never been a better time to take the lead and set your company up for success.

Book a discovery call today – and we’ll show you how a WordPress virtual assistant can add value to your business.

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Talk to one of our team members about the tasks consuming your time, and your goals. Going forward, your virtual assistant can work with minimum input from you.

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