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– 21.06.2020.

The Future of Remote Work

Over the last couple months, it has become increasingly obvious just what an impact working remotely can have — on employees, businesses, and the economy as a whole. For instance, employees who are able to work from home have been more likely to keep their jobs and businesses with remote employees have had a better…

Laura Holton


The Future of Remote Work

Over the last couple months, it has become increasingly obvious just what an impact working remotely can have — on employees, businesses, and the economy as a whole. For instance, employees who are able to work from home have been more likely to keep their jobs and businesses with remote employees have had a better chance of staying afloat. But what about when the pandemic ends? What does the future look like for remote work?

A Changing Reality

Working from home is by no means a new trend. Over the past decade, remote work has increased by a massive 91 percent. In just the past five years, there has been an increase of 44 percent.

Workers’ Expectations

Some workers are now beginning to expect the option of remote work. Already, 8 percent of US workers say they would only accept a job that allows for flexible working arrangements.

Higher Productivity

Remote work could well lead to a more productive workforce. Two-thirds of employees are more productive when they work from a home office than they are in a traditional office. This is due to factors like lower stress, the lack of office politics, and the chance to create a personalized work environment.

Hybrid Working Conditions

It’s likely that many employees will combine working remotely with working from the office. Currently, 41 percent of businesses across the globe already offer some degree of remote working.

Flexible Schedules

For many employees, remote working could mean a better work–life balance. In fact, more than three-quarters of managers say that flexible schedules and the chance to work remotely lead to better retention.

The Chance to Live Anywhere

When employees are able to work remotely, they can live almost anywhere. Right now, there are still some limitations, but broadband adoption is increasing. As broadband becomes more widespread, workers will even be able to live in isolated areas. Living outside of main business hubs and in more affordable locations could mean a higher standard of living.

Endurance During Crises

We’ve already seen how remote working can be crucial during a pandemic. It could also prove critical for continuing business operations through future crises, like natural disasters.

Fewer Traditional Offices

Cityscapes could start to change as more businesses give up or reduce the size of their traditional office spaces. As remote technology develops further, ever more employees will be able to work at home or in co-working spaces.

Lower Expenses for Businesses

A reduced need for office space and related resources is just one way businesses will save money in the future. More than a third of employees say they’d be willing to take a pay cut of as much as 10 percent for the chance to work from home.

Happier Workers

The huge majority of people already working remotely want to continue. In fact, 99 percent of remote employees say they’d like to work this way for the rest of their careers. As more people join their ranks, we can expect to see far fewer employees commuting to the office.

Download our other infographic to see more statistics and information about the future of remote work.

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