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– 04.03.2022.

How a LinkedIn Virtual Assistant Can Grow Your Network

Do you need a LinkedIn Virtual Assistant? Short answer: Yes. Here’s why. As entrepreneurs we understand the importance of getting our business ‘out there’ and being seen. And various social media platforms allow us to do just that. The world has become your marketplace. The downside is with all the different options available, it can…

Jennifer Brown

South Africa

linkedin virtual assistant 1

Do you need a LinkedIn Virtual Assistant?

Short answer: Yes.

Here’s why.

As entrepreneurs we understand the importance of getting our business ‘out there’ and being seen. And various social media platforms allow us to do just that. The world has become your marketplace. The downside is with all the different options available, it can be incredibly overwhelming. You need to keep your pages updated and post engaging content on a regular basis. And of course the content needs to be unique.

Instead of trying to be all things to all people, find out where your target audience hangs out – and go hang out there. It’s way better to focus on 1 or 2 social media platforms and to be consistent in terms of posting regularly, rather than juggling 7 platforms and neglecting them all.

You don’t need to be everywhere.

But you do need to be on LinkedIn.

Why You Need to Be on LinkedIn

These statistics will be out of date by the time you read this, but at the time of writing, LinkedIn had 810 million users in 200 countries. Of these, around 100 million are senior level influencers and approximately 70 million are in decision making positions. That’s right – 70 million people with the authority to decide whether or not YOUR products or services would be a good fit.

All in one place.

And, according to Hubspot, LinkedIn is 277% more effective for lead generation than Facebook and Twitter.

Bottom line: Smart entrepreneurs and businesses are on LinkedIn.

Really smart entrepreneurs engage the services of a LinkedIn Virtual Assistant.

Why You Need a LinkedIn Virtual Assistant

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site and it can be used to grow your business. It’s a fantastic place to find potential collaborators, customers, partners, and employees. The key idea to focus on is professional. Professional is what will get you noticed.

Professional also takes time. And time is generally in short supply if you’re an entrepreneur.

As awesome productivity hacks go, outsourcing is right at the top. This is where an experienced LinkedIn Virtual Assistant can make all the difference.

What Tasks Can You Assign to a LinkedIn Virtual Assistant?


Before we jump in, etiquette is definitely worth mentioning. One really annoying thing about LinkedIn is the default setting is set to notify everyone on your network, every single time you make changes to anything on your profile.

Don’t be that guy.

Be considerate and go to your LinkedIn settings and change what people can see about you. Once you’ve updated everything and you’ve checked that you’re happy, by all means change it again to the default if you prefer.

Create and Maintain Your LinkedIn Profile

What is the purpose of your LinkedIn profile? It’s to showcase your skills, talents and achievements and tell people why they should do business with you.

Essentially, that is the point of LinkedIn.

Where do you start?

By deciding who you are pitching it at. Who do you want reading your LinkedIn profile and what do you want them to know about you? Your LinkedIn virtual assistant should write your profile in such a way that they highlight the outcomes you achieved – so that readers will be absolutely clear on what you bring to the table and how you add value.

Needless to say, also ensure that every section on your profile is complete.

Your LinkedIn Profile Picture

What you’re looking for here is a professional crisp, clear head and shoulders shot of you looking your absolute best. Confidently looking at the viewer, exuding warmth and professionalism. A professional portrait is best, but not essential. Ensure the lighting is good, that the background is clean and uncluttered and that your profile picture doesn’t look like a mugshot.

Use a Professional Background Image

There are a few options here.

The easiest would be to tell your LinkedIn virtual assistant what sort of image you’re looking for and have them run with it, or they could create one for you in Canva. You could also head over to Unsplash and search through thousands of gorgeous, high quality royalty free images. Here are some great ideas for LinkedIn Background Photo Ideas To Make Your Profile Stand Out.

Getting Noticed With an Enticing Headline

Kind of like an early 19th century debutante being presented to fashionable society, albeit with fewer tiaras (and better teeth). Your headline needs to be attention grabbing. People must sit up and take notice. And all within the 120 character limit. A good LinkedIn virtual assistant knows to include your primary skill as well as a great reason to connect with you. Here are some good examples of Awesome LinkedIn Headlines.

Write an Effective LinkedIn Summary

Your LinkedIn summary is another opportunity for you to really shine – it’s where people get to learn more about you, but more importantly – What you can do for them. It’s also a really great idea to back this up with social proof as it helps establish trust. Here are more tips on how to write a crazy effective LinkedIn summary.

A LinkedIn Virtual Assistant Can Help You Grow Your Network


Reach The Right People With A LinkedIn Virtual Assistant

Your LinkedIn virtual assistant can vet the invitations you receive rather than just blindly accepting them all. What you’re going for is quality – connections that are relevant – and that you actually want to include in your professional network. At the very least they should all have profile pictures and not placeholders.

It is far better to have a network of 200 good connections, than 800 people who have no idea of who you are and don’t relate in any way to your business.

This is also true of the invitations your VA sends out.

A Better Connection With A LinkedIn Virtual Assistant

You would identify the types of positions and services and in which industries you would like to make connections. And your LinkedIn virtual assistant would send out a personalized message tailored specifically to that potential connection, explaining why you would like to connect.

One size does not fit all. No one responds to or accepts generic connection requests.

Be Seen in All the Right Places

Your LinkedIn virtual assistant can also monitor groups relevant to your business or areas of expertise. Because this is often where the real networking magic happens.

They can increase your visibility by posting links to your blogs and identifying opportunities for you to contribute to a discussion or answer questions. All of these tasks are time consuming but necessary to create a strong LinkedIn presence which will ultimately result in more customers and business growth.

A LinkedIn Virtual Assistant can easily and expertly assist you with tasks like creating and managing professional LinkedIn profiles, sending invitations, connecting with people and growing your network on LinkedIn. They can help you stay organized, update your profile regularly, and post engaging content. It all depends on how much or how little assistance you require.

Let’s Make this Happen for You

If you’re ready to connect with a professional LinkedIn virtual assistant, who will make your life easier and free up a lot of your time – simply connect with us.

Book a Discovery Call with MYVA360 today and let’s find the solution that works best for you.

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Talk to one of our team members about the tasks consuming your time, and your goals. Going forward, your virtual assistant can work with minimum input from you.

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