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– 31.07.2023.

ERP vs. CRM: What Will Help Your Marketing Efforts?

In this ERP vs. CRM discussion, let’s navigate through the twists and turns of these two contenders. We’ll get to grips with what they’re all about and their unique characteristics and examine their impact on businesses.

Jelena Mijajlovic


Erp crm integration

In this ERP vs. CRM discussion, let’s navigate through the twists and turns of these two contenders. We’ll get to grips with what they’re all about and their unique characteristics and examine their impact on businesses.


When a business seeks to bolster its marketing strategies, two systems usually come into focus. These are the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. And the crucial question usually is about ERP vs. CRM — which option is better?

Understanding ERP and Its Impact on Marketing Efforts

Let’s kick off the ERP vs. CRM battle by lifting the lid on Enterprise Resource Planning, also known as ERP. Essentially, ERP systems serve to integrate the various functions of a business into a single, unified platform, just like an all-in-one control center. So, employees have less burnout from checking data from dozens of various sources. From financial management to supply-chain tracking and human resources, all the business operations land under one roof with ERP.

Benefits of ERP for Marketing

As we will consider all the points and find the winner in the ERP vs. CRM fight, let’s concentrate on the advantages of ERP and how it can change your business. 

  • Streamlining marketing processes: ERP systems bring to the table a range of efficiencies that work to streamline marketing processes. Imagine your marketing processes running as smoothly as a freshly polished sports car. ERP grabs that gold medal by banishing data silos, paving the way for uninterrupted cross-channel chatter.
  • Better data integration and analysis: ERP works tirelessly behind the scenes, making your data digestible and, quite frankly, useful. With the best data integration tools within your reach, you can catch a holistic 360° glimpse of your customer — what they’re buying, their specific preferences, transaction history, and interactions. 
  • Efficient campaign management and tracking with ERP: employing ERP systems in marketing efforts aid effective campaign management by providing real-time updates and tracking marketing strategies’ outcomes. This permits businesses to modify campaigns efficiently, and instant updates mean swifter tweaks to your strategy and no penny wasted.

Example of ERP’s Impact on Marketing Efforts 

Let’s navigate through a hypothetical scenario to illustrate the impact of an ERP system on marketing efforts before comparing ERP vs. CRM. 

Imagine an online retail store deciding to integrate an ERP system into its operations. Before the ERP implementation, the store was juggling disconnected systems tracking their finances, supply chain, HR, and, importantly, their marketing efforts. The marketing team struggled with scattered data, losing time and potential customer insights.

Post the ERP system deployment, things took a turn. Suddenly all the key business functions are interlaced on a singular platform. Streamlining was evident. 

Every department, including marketing, could access the same, up-to-date data, breaking down previous silos. With the newfound real-time accessibility and transparency, the marketing squad was talking the talk and walking the walk, creating campaigns tailored to their customer’s latest preferences.

ERP did not just stop at integration. The system allowed the store to analyze comprehensive customer data effectively. By offering edgy data analysis integration tools, the platform allowed the marketing team to know their customers better than ever.

And finally, campaign management and tracking morphed into an entirely new beast. With real-time updates provided by the ERP system, the store could optimize their marketing campaigns. If the new winter collection ads fell flat, they discerned it at the drop of a hat and swiftly switched to Plan B. 

But what happens to businesses when in ERP vs. CRM battle wins the second battle?

Exploring CRM and Its Impact on Marketing Efforts

As we delve into the depth of the CRM’s role in marketing in this ERP vs. CRM conversation, a brief on what this CRM beast actually entails is worth our time.

Customer Relationship Management, best known as CRM, predominantly focuses on managing an organization’s interactions with its prospective and current customers.

Benefits of CRM for marketing

While discussing ERP vs. CRM, CRM offers unique advantages:

  • Customer segmentation and targeting: A CRM system offers businesses an incisive tool for customer segmentation. With a CRM system, businesses can segment their customer base into different groups based on purchasing behavior, demographics, and preferences. As a result, companies can optimize marketing endeavors, fostering efficient, targeted promotions or campaigns.
  • Personalized marketing campaigns: A CRM system can aid in crafting personalized marketing campaigns. Utilizing customer data stored in the CRM, businesses can tailor communication to resonate with specific customer groups, thereby increasing engagement and improving customer relationships.
  • Customer relationship management: It comes as no surprise that CRM excels at managing relationships with customers. From recording customer interactions to analyzing customer feedback from surveys, CRM is a comprehensive hub for building and strengthening customer relations.

Example of using CRM for Marketing Efforts

So, what if in ERP vs. CRM battle wins the last one? What happens with the business? Let’s imagine there is a growing beverage company that sells a range of natural juices. With the rise in customers and the complexity of dealing with customer data, the company decided to implement a CRM system.

With the newly implemented CRM, whenever a customer contacts the company — whether via website chat, email, or social media — their information and the nature of their contact are logged into the CRM system. The software records and organizes each customer’s contact information (like name, email, phone number, etc.) and details of their previous interactions.

Therefore, if a recurring customer sends a complaint about a late delivery, the customer service representative can easily access all of his previous interactions with the company.

Not just that, CRM can also show this client’s purchase history, preferences, and any past complaints or issues. This information allows the representative to respond to complaints in a personalized, efficient manner, enhancing the customer’s experience with the company despite the problem encountered.

In addition, the CRM system also assists the company with optimizing marketing efforts. Based on data like purchase history and customer preferences, the CRM helps to segment their market for targeted advertising. And with new AI tools such as Chat GPT and image generator it is even easier to customize your marketing based on preferences. 


For instance, customers who frequently purchase apple juice might receive promotional offers or ads tailored to their preference for apple-based drinks, increasing the chances of further purchase.

Therefore, this CRM system helps them streamline their customer service and personalize their marketing efforts, improving customer relationships and increasing sales.

ERP vs. CRM: A Comparative Analysis

When confronted with the ERP vs. CRM classification, it’s key to grasp how these distinct systems operate and their diverging strengths.


Key Differences Between ERP and CRM

Distinguishing between ERP and CRM systems lies in their core objectives and operational strategies. Both invariably aim to amplify profitability, yet the paths they tread are distinctly different.

ERP systems focus on tightening the reins on organizational efficiency. By streamlining business operations and decreasing overheads, ERP systems pave the way for cost-effective business management.

For example, an ERP system might integrate procurement, production, and distribution processes, ultimately reducing the need for multiple software tools and, thus, operational costs.

CRM systems bolster sales funnel effectiveness. They hone in on improving sales volume and customer relationship metrics, thereby directly influencing the organization’s bottom line.

For instance, a CRM system could consolidate customer communications across various channels into a single view, enabling sales teams to nurture customer relationships and sales conversion rates.

Understanding Unique Functionalities

To further unravel the ‘ERP vs CRM’ puzzle, let’s delve into the distinct features each system introduces into a business’s framework. 

Consider ERP systems as the spine of a business, if you will — holding everything together. These systems string together a myriad of business processes into a single dynamic platform, offering a 360-degree view of business operations. So, whether you’re dealing with human resources, finance, procurement, or supply chain management, an ERP system could be your magic bullet, coordinating all these diverse components.

On the flip side, CRM systems are completely customer-centric, serving as powerful catalysts in handling and honing customer interactions. Imagine it as your personal customer concierge. From trailing leads and steering marketing campaigns to offering top-notch customer service, a CRM system empowers businesses to truly engage with their customers, enhancing their overall journey with the brand. 

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro in the industry, grasping these intricate details and specific examples of how ERP and CRM systems function becomes essential. Just as you’d proofread an email before hitting ‘send’, don’t forget to revisit the finer points. 

Weighing Impact on Marketing

Both these systems can massively enhance business marketing efforts, albeit in different manners.

ERP systems support marketing efforts, often indirectly, through process optimizations and cost efficiencies. An ERP system can streamline data flow and deliver insightful business analytics, enabling marketers to strategize based on real-time, reliable data.

CRM systems wield a direct impact on marketing activities. By offering granular customer data and facilitating customer segmentation, CRM systems enable highly tailored, personalized marketing campaigns, resulting in improved customer engagement rate and retention.

In essence, the ERP vs. CRM contest is not about choosing one over the other but about understanding where each shines best. Although different in their approaches and functionalities, these systems can work harmoniously to drive a company’s success.

Choosing the Right Solution for Your Marketing Efforts

Finding the perfect solution for your marketing efforts can feel like threading a needle in a haystack. But it doesn’t have to be if you point your focus in the right direction. Let’s delve into how you can choose ERP vs. CRM.

Identifying Marketing Needs and Objectives

Picking between ERP and CRM starts with clearly delineating your marketing needs and objectives. Think of your business goals like a GPS, guiding you toward the system that suits you best.

Are you looking to slash costs and rev up overall efficiency? If yes, an ERP system might be the winning ticket. For instance, an ERP system can be your go-to wingman if you’re a manufacturer aiming to streamline your production, inventory, and shipment processes under one roof.

Conversely, a CRM system could be your golden goose if your hunting scope is trained on ramping up sales volume by better managing customer interactions.

Say you’re a restaurant chain looking to enhance customer engagement and cultivate loyalty, a CRM can provide you with a buffet of customer-related data, enabling you to whip up personalized marketing campaigns.

Assessing Available Resources and Budget

The ERP vs. CRM face-off also warrants a careful appraisal of your resources and budget. Both systems carry their own potent arsenal of benefits, that much is clear. But their implementation comes at a cost, both in terms of time, manpower, and financial investment.

For small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating on a shoestring budget, choosing a system that delivers maximum bang for the buck is pivotal. Therefore, you may want to explore vendors offering affordable virtual assistant services that integrate seamlessly with ERP and CRM systems.

Considerations for Integrating ERP and CRM

Finally, remember to entertain the thought of playing both sides by integrating ERP and CRM systems. By amalgamating the two, you can revel in both their strengths, forming a powerhouse duo.

This hybrid approach allows your business to benefit from CRM’s focus on customer excellence and ERP’s drive for operational efficiency, producing a synergistic effect. What’s more, integration enables smoother data sharing, eliminating silos and further ramping up overall business efficiency.

In essence, the decision isn’t about choosing between ERP and CRM; it’s about determining which system — or combination of systems — offers the most valuable tools to meet your specific marketing goals. No matter where you land, remember that the right choice will always be based on what helps drive your business toward its objectives.


This tale of ERP vs. CRM has no absolute winner. Each system comes with its own merits in amplifying marketing efforts. Whether you choose ERP, CRM, or a combination largely depends on your business goals, resources, and overall marketing strategy. Especially now, when both ERP and CRM systems can adopt AI and ML, as the technology is becoming part of modern businesses. 

Remember, the ultimate aim is to improve the customer journey — ERP, CRM, or both might be the secret ingredients to your marketing success.

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