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– 05.03.2022.

A Data Entry Virtual Assistant: Saving You Hours Each Day

Does admin get you down? As a business owner or entrepreneur, you might want to consider the option of hiring a data entry virtual assistant. There’s an old saying in business: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” – and it’s largely true. For your business to function well, you need to have…

Jennifer Brown

South Africa

A Data Entry Virtual Assistant: Saving You Hours Each Day

Does admin get you down? As a business owner or entrepreneur, you might want to consider the option of hiring a data entry virtual assistant.

There’s an old saying in business: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” – and it’s largely true. For your business to function well, you need to have a finger on the pulse, and that means up-to-date data.

Time is an important currency you don’t want to trade, and so it makes sense to outsource as much of your peripheral work as possible. And, if you’re a startup, even more so.

Why Data Entry Matters to Your Business Success

Keeping good records is the hallmark of an efficient business, especially when you’re in an industry that relies on shifts in data to stay ahead. Whether you’re a solopreneur running an ecommerce store, a plumbing business that needs accurate updates on inventory, or a health coach tracking your client progress, it’s all too easy to fall behind.

Why is data entry so important to your business?

  • Very often, good record-keeping is a statutory requirement – especially when it comes to filing taxes, applying for permits, or adhering to health and safety regulations.
  • Being able to track what’s happening in your business in real time, you’re better able to respond quickly to potentially adverse situations – or react to potential opportunities.
  • As the owner of a business, you need to make high-level decisions – and without accurate data, it’s easy to take a misstep.

If you view it that way, hiring a data entry virtual assistant shouldn’t just be an afterthought. It should be an important strategic consideration for your business.

Why Not Just Do It Yourself?

The temptation to take the DIY route is understandable sometimes, especially if you’re an entrepreneur bootstrapping a startup. And for certain business tasks, it’s a necessary part of the learning curve.

But when it comes to data entry, there are a few things you should bear in mind before you sacrifice even more of your valuable time:

Hiring an Expert Makes Sense

Sure, you could do your own bookkeeping. You could service your own car. But those are tasks you’re likely to get more experienced people to do – simply because they have more experience. They’re less likely to make mistakes and will know where to look for errors if they occur.

Data entry is no different. It’s a function that requires a surprising level of skill:

  • You require accuracy. That means an eye for detail and the ability to focus on a single task for an extended period of time.
  • Self-regulation and the ability to recheck data listings and troubleshoot errors.
  • The ability to identify patterns, allocate datasets correctly, and present data analytics in a way that is easily understood.

A suitably skilled data entry virtual assistant is an expert who knows how to optimize for time and accuracy . And will also be able to deliver consistent data entry far more accurately and effectively.

Spend Time On The Important Things

If you draw up a quick analysis of the tasks or functions that benefit your business most, odds are that data entry isn’t going to feature. Yes, it’s important, but you’ll probably want to spend the majority of your time on building your customer base and increasing your profits.

Tasks that are not central to that goal should be outsourced – because they demand time that you could be using far more profitably. Smart time management is a powerful business tool!

A Data Entry Virtual Assistant is a Cost-Effective Choice

There are 2 simple yardsticks you can use to gauge the cost-effectiveness of using a virtual assistant to do your data entry for you:

  • First, be reminded that you’re not paying for someone to sit in an office, with all the accompanying overheads. You’re engaging the services of someone who is skilled, focused, and who understands the intricacies of data entry better than most. Most importantly, you’re only paying for the actual hours worked – and the results can be measured.
  • Second, take a moment to think about what your time is worth. After all, time is money. How much could you “make” for your business in an hour if you do what you’re best at? Logically, it’s more than what you’re “making” by spending hours doing your own data entry or other peripheral tasks.

It makes total sense, then, to outsource your data entry work – because outsourcing actually makes more money for your business.

What Will a Data Entry Virtual Assistant do for You?

It’s a mistake restricting data entry to the boring basics of punching in numbers or names. There’s so much more that a data entry assistant can do for you, though:

  • Administrative upkeep. From keeping your appointment calendar current to monitoring an expense account. A data entry virtual assistant can ensure smoother and more coordinated day-to-day running of your business.
  • Customer support. From collecting and categorizing customer information to recording interactions or correspondence with customers. So you’ll easily be able to keep track of customer activity.
  • Staff records, feedback, and training. Imagine having someone who can help you measure the effectiveness of your employees. Then, imagine having someone who could even help you create training material for those employees. Because this will save you the time and effort you’d normally expend on training new hires.
  • Meeting and communication records. A data entry virtual assistant can record important meeting minutes and communication with suppliers or customers. They can also transcribe recordings into filed records if needed.
  • Social media and online data entry. If your business has any kind of online presence,you’ll know how important it is to keep tabs on what’s happening. For example, inserting and maintaining shortened links. And monitoring traffic to your social media pages and website. Then there’s keeping track of your analytics.

The Right Data Entry Virtual Assistant for Your Business

Our clients match with appropriately skilled virtual assistants who are  compatible with your business. We personally oversee the on-boarding process. Your VA is equipped to fulfill the tasks you allocate.

We’re cognizant of the fact that every business is unique. A virtual assistant has to adapt to the norms and expectations of our clients. Because of that, you can also make the process a lot easier with just a few small steps:

  • Prepare a list of the key tasks or areas that you’d like covered. That way, your virtual assistant has a clear idea of what to focus on.
  • Look at the primary skills required. If you use Excel for the bulk of your data entry, choose a VA with good Excel skills and experience.
  • Create a ‘cheat sheet’ for your data entry virtual assistant. A document with key information like passwords, simple information and access guidelines. Also include anything else you feel is relevant for easy operation.

You’ll be amazed at how much a data entry virtual assistant can actually accomplish! And how much freedom it will create for you.

Book a discovery call today and discover how a data entry virtual assistant can save you hours each day – and benefit your business.


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