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– 20.01.2022.

How To Attract & Keep More Customers With A Remote Personal Assistant

Attract more customers to your business, and turn your existing ones into raving fans. Simply by hiring a remote personal assistant! Global business is more competitive than ever, and the commercial playing field is changing dramatically. Businesses are reinventing themselves, and customer expectations are changing just as quickly. As an entrepreneur or business owner, you’ve…

Jennifer Brown

South Africa

How To Attract & Keep More Customers With A Remote Personal Assistant

Attract more customers to your business, and turn your existing ones into raving fans. Simply by hiring a remote personal assistant!

Global business is more competitive than ever, and the commercial playing field is changing dramatically. Businesses are reinventing themselves, and customer expectations are changing just as quickly.

As an entrepreneur or business owner, you’ve probably noticed just how many hungry new competitors there are. Both good and bad are popping up daily, in almost every industry.

Even as an established business owner with a good marketing plan, you still face stiff competition:

  • Because new business ventures are typically smaller, their overheads are lower. Undercutting your pricing is a strategy they’ll use to win customers.
  • With fewer customers to look after, they’re able to devote more time and attention to existing customers. This creates the perception of better customer service.
  • Because there’s often less formal procedure (and sometimes none!) turnaround times are faster.
  • Newer and smaller businesses are eager to gain traction. They will often go out of their way to accommodate customer requests or needs.
  • Customers often perceive smaller competitors as being more agile and innovative. Even though they’re doing exactly what you’re doing, just faster.

Quite simply, this means that in order to stay ahead, you need to outperform and outmaneuver your competitors. And his is where a remote personal assistant can be a game changer.

Your Customers Are Evolving

Many entrepreneurs and business owners don’t want to hear this, but your customers – even the most loyal ones – have changed.

In just a few short years, there’s been a dramatic change in customer identity and customer expectation. Gone are the days when customers simply bought your product or service because it was convenient. Or because you got to them first. They’re now part of a seismic shift in global commerce, where conscious consumerism and hyper-personalized service have become the new normal.

What does that mean? Quite simply, having a good product at the right price, with decent service, is no longer enough. This does not guarantee business growth, or even survival.

What Your Customers Really Want

  • Authenticity and sincerity – you don’t have to be perfect, but you need to make authenticity a business imperative. This means, more than anything else, making human accessibility a priority for your business. Especially if it’s a virtual business. A remote personal assistant can be your most valuable asset right here.
  • A personal connection – if you use an auto-responder, send template emails, or reduce a customer to a number in a queue, you’re driving that customer into the arms of your competitors. People want to be recognized and respected as individuals, acknowledged as being uniquely valuable to your business.
  • Deeds, not words – whether you’re answering a query, resolving a complaint, or simply providing the service you said you would, nothing alienates a customer more than the perception of a broken promise. All too often, details are overlooked, commitments and deadlines are broken, and unhappy customers simply go somewhere else.
  • Respect for their time – think about that time you called your utility company, or your cable company, and they put you on hold for ages only to eventually have the call disconnected. Time is currency in the new economy. And the faster you respond to a customer,or solve their problem, the more likely that customer is to become a fan of your business.

The addition of a remote personal assistant to your business can address each one of these critical customer needs – and more.

Do More, Work Less

It’s a cliché, but as a business owner, you want to spend more time working on your business, rather than in it. It’s equally true that many business owners are trapped in a cycle of hard work. This only gets more complex and time-consuming as their business expands.

This cycle of compulsive work and crisis-type management isn’t anything unusual, either. Statistics over the past several years show that almost one-third of entrepreneurs suffer from stress and burnout – and as competitiveness increases, this only gets worse.

Here are just some of the ways in which a remote personal assistant can transform your business:

Managing Your Customers For You

Instead of your customers having to deal with a faceless corporate brand or set of procedures, give them an individual who understands what they want. And who understands what you want for your business. And, even if your assistant simply manages different segments of customers, with the ability to make smart decisions on your behalf (more on this below), you’ll still be streets ahead of your competitors.

Freeing Up More Of Your Time

By freeing up more time, you’re able to see the bigger picture more accurately. This allows for more informed business decisions, and focus on growing your business. You’ll be secure in the knowledge that the time-consuming but vitally necessary tasks are being handled professionally and securely on your behalf.

Managing your priorities

When you’r in the thick of things, it can be difficult to see the forest for the trees. Having a remote personal assistant to attend to the urgent, while you attend to the important, means that you can work on the actual drivers of your business.

Maintaining Accountability

Getting distracted by the busy-work and the daily grind of being an entrepreneur can be avoided. Giving your personal assistant the right tools will ensure key business objectives are measured and met. Or remembering someone’s birthday, for that matter! It’s literally a ‘set-and-forget’ solution.

The Gift Of Flexibility

One of the perennial challenges of delegating tasks to regular employees is that they’re often confined to a particular skill or capability. A personal assistant, on the other hand, is ideally suited to switching lanes where required, attending to tasks that would otherwise be unsuited to a fixed-position employee.

A Personal Assistant To Help Grow Your Business

In addition to hiring a remote personal assistant to relieve your administrative workload, you may also want to consider the option of a specialized virtual assistant who can assist you with sales, or with marketing campaigns on social media, for example.

Business growth depends on a number of critically important factors. But the necessity of creating and maintaining marketing and sales channels should be the top of the list. A skilled virtual assistant who understands your business is able to drive those key elements in many different ways:

  • Running a client call or email marketing campaign
  • Competitor research and market surveys
  • Customer relationships
  • Upselling to existing clients
  • Assisting with client or market analytics

So, you may ask, why use a remote personal assistant to help grow your business? The answer is simple: lower costs, greater versatility, and a high degree of responsible autonomy. It’s a winning proposition.

Chat to us today, claim your free trial & 10% off , and discover just how valuable a virtual assistant can be to your business.


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