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– 07.01.2021.

18 Best Lead Generation Tools to Get More Targeted Leads

You’ll have more success with your lead generation efforts if you use the right lead generation tools. With such a wide range available, there’s sure to be something for the exact purpose you need. For instance, whereas some tools find email addresses of potential leads, others capture leads from your website. Yet others help you…

Laura Holton


8 Best Lead Generation Tools to Get More Targeted Leads

You’ll have more success with your lead generation efforts if you use the right lead generation tools. With such a wide range available, there’s sure to be something for the exact purpose you need. For instance, whereas some tools find email addresses of potential leads, others capture leads from your website. Yet others help you market your leads or maximize the value of your leads.

In this list, we’ve compiled a variety of the best lead generation tools across the board. There’s a combination of paid software and free online lead generation tools. Many of the paid options have free trials and most of the free tools have the option to upgrade to a paid version with additional features.


Find leads using AI with As well as assisting you in your prospecting efforts, the tool automates tasks — like emails and follow-up calls — and enables you to analyze campaigns to make improvements. It also has integration with other top tools sales professionals are likely to use, such as Salesforce and HubSpot.

Price: From $89 to $149 per month

2. Reply

A key place to look for leads is LinkedIn. Whereas you could take note of emails manually, this would slow you down. A better option is to use the Reply browser extension, which saves emails as you search for contacts. Plus, the tool can automate outreach by sending messages within LinkedIn or to contacts’ email addresses. The tool even identifies which leads are sales ready and sets up Zoom meetings.

Price: Free

3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

You can also take advantage of leads on LinkedIn with the Sales Navigator tool the platform offers. You’ll gain lead recommendations, receive advanced search capabilities, and be able to save all your leads through the CRM integration. This is a great choice for B2B companies in particular.

Price: From $64.99 per month

4. Voila Norbert

On other occasions, you may want to find contacts’ email address when you already know their name and company. Voila Norbert is a simple tool that does just that. You can choose how may leads you want to search for per month or pay as you go. There are also additional features to verify or enrich an email list. Both of these have set prices according to the number of leads on the list.

Price: From $49 to $499 per month for a plan

5. SeedProd

Using lead magnets is a great way to generate leads. However, you’ll often need to encourage users who show an interest in your lead magnet to take that final step and provide you with their contact information. The solution is an attractive landing page. SeedProd provides you with the tools you need to build landing pages without the need for any web design knowledge. Best of all, it’s compatible with WordPress.

Price: From $79 to $399 per year

6. WPForms

You also need a form to collect lead information. WPForms helps you to build a variety of types of forms, including for newsletter signups and for registering interest. Choose from more 100 templates, all of which use responsive design to look great on any screen size. Plus, you can implement spam protection to ensure you only receive form submissions from real leads.

Price: From $79 to $599 per year

7. Optinmonster

With the right popup, you can grab users’ attention and gain their contact information. Exit popups are particularly popular, as they only appear when users indicate that they are about to leave your site. This makes sure you don’t miss out on any visitors who could become leads. However you decide to use popups, Optimonster is a top tool. It allows you to personalize the offers you present to users and use A/B testing to continuously improve your popup designs.

Price: From $19 to $49 per month

8. Hello Bar

An alternative to a popup is an insert bar at the top of every page of your website. Hello Bar is a widget that allows you to choose the message you display to users. Again, you can use A/B testing to increase conversions.

Price: Free

9. Turnstile

Another great time to collect users’ emails is when they’re interested in one of your videos. Turnstile allows you to put an email collector at any point in the video. For instance, you could use it at the end to capture contact information of leads who enjoyed your content. Alternatively, you can put it at the beginning or middle to gate content. Turnstile allows you to choose how the email collector appears (it can pause the video or overlay on hover). Plus, it gathers information about what videos individual visitors are watching, allowing you to track their interests.

Price: Free

10. Qualaroo

Although Qualaroo is primarily a survey tool, it works just as well for lead generation. You can use it to ask visitors a short series of questions about what they’d like to do next to personalize their experience. This is ideal for situations when there is more than one possible call-to-action to include on a page.

Price: From $100 to $200 per month


For much more than just lead generation, IFTTT (which stands for If This Then That) works using triggers. When it receives a cue, it automates another action. As you can integrate IFTTT with a wide variety of tools, you can use it to serve a number of purposes. In addition, the tool provides you with behavioral insights to help you keep improving processes.

Price: Free

12. Intercom

With Intercom, you can start talking to web visitors after they meet certain criteria, such as when they’ve spent a certain amount of time on a page or visited your site a second time. The tool offers both live chat and chatbots. Plus, you can integrate it with apps (for instance, to allow users to book an appointment or callback) and offer tours of your products within the chat. This is a great way for ensuring you engage with visitors and avoid potential leads slipping away.

Price: From $39 to more than $499 per month

13. Constant Contact

For large email lists, there’s no better option than Constant Contact. This is a great tool for creating email marketing campaigns, as it allows you to design professional-looking emails, create triggered series, use segments, and resend emails that went unopened, among a variety of other features.

Price: From $20 to $45 per month

14. Boomerang

In addition to being a tool for scheduling emails, Boomerang notifies you when a person you emailed never replied. This helps you organize follow-up messages and prevent losing leads that never answered your first message. Best of all, it’s extra easy to use — just add it to your Gmail.

Price: Free

15. Yet Another Mail Merge

It’s also useful to know if recipients are opening your emails. Yet Another Mail Merge is an extension for Google Sheets. As well as showing open rates, you can see clicks, bounces, unsubscribes, and responses all within a spreadsheet.

Price: Free

16. HubSpot

One of the best known tools for all aspects of sales and marketing is HubSpot. It’s main feature for lead generation purposes is its CRM, which allows you to manage contacts with ease. As well as helping you keep track of deals, it gives more in-depth insights into leads than would otherwise be possible.

Price: Free

17. Pardot

In addition to finding leads for you, Pardot helps you qualify them. This is important for ensuring you only spend your time on leads that have the potential to convert. Designed with B2B companies in mind, you’ll receive a wide variety of capabilities with this tool, including for lead management, lead generation, email marketing, sales alignment, and ROI reporting.

Price: From $1,250 to $15,000 per month

18. Marketo

Another comprehensive solution for sales overall is Marketo. It has many of the functions you need for effective lead generation, including lead management, revenue attribution, and various tools for email, consumer, customer base, mobile, and account-based marketing. This includes the chance to personalize content, automate processes, and check analytics.

Price: Based on database size (around $1,000 per month minimum)

Even with the right tools, lead generation is a time-consuming task. This, combined with the fact that it doesn’t require your expertise, makes it an ideal task to delegate.

Outsource your lead generation to a virtual assistant from MYVA360 and you can receive HubSpot Starter Sales to help your lead generation efforts. Plus, our VAs for sales can provide you with many additional services, such as to eliminate admin work from your schedule entirely. Request your free trial to try our services for yourself.

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